

Carpinteros, 2013

These birds have flown...

These birds decided to migrate to a warmer place and are now on their way to Spain. They have found a new friend: Vanessa. Congratulations Vanessa, they are yours! I hope they will make you good company, together with Emese's bird.
I'd like to thank as well all the participants for your lovely comments. Thank you!

Blauwe vogels, groene hemel, 2011


Dasjes Tief - toddler bags

There is something I'd like to share with you. This is what I make besides the paintings, when I feel like stitching. If you want to read the full story about these bags, you can do it here  


Baby tapir

Something I don't mention on my Dasjes Tief page is that I made the first bag (for my son) with two old trousers: his dad's and mine :-)


Amazon rainforest

Green and more green. Any similarity to my own life is merely coincidence :-) ...really...

Sloths, 2013

Sachavacas, 2013

Don't forget the giveaway via Kireei in collaboration with Doodliesoftie. 
You can participate until February 11th 2013!



Flyaway Giveaway!

Emese from Doodliesoftie and I have been secretly preparing a collaboration which's result we hope you like. It has been a great experience working with someone you met at a distance (we met through our blogs). I'm glad we met each other and also very happy with what she did. She really makes great stuff out of children's anyone's drawings. 
Moreover... we are giving it away through the beautiful blog of Kireei (Spain)
You are all welcome to participate. Just leave a comment on their post (you can do it in English too). It goes from now on up to February 11th. The winner will receive two sendings: one from Holland and one from Hungary.
Good luck!